I got a call from Miles (will be 14 in December. Diagnosis Schizoaffective, Major Depressive, Generalized Anxiety, and RAD) therapist the other day asking me what the coat that I just recently sent him looked like. Immediately I was irritated to say the least. He has been in this RTC for a year and this is the 4th coat I have had to buy and send to him because they keep getting “lost, or stolen”. Keep in mind, I just sent the last one a few weeks ago. Therapist tells me that someone noticed a girl wearing this jacket! I describe the jacket and tell her to look inside because I wrote his name(huge) with a sharpie inside the jacket. She also tells me that after questioning everyone involved, that my son GAVE the jacket to the girl to wear!!! Now, I am more than irritated!! You guys have no idea how many times I have contacted the RTC going OFF over missing items of his that he calls and asks me to replace!!!! WTF….I ended up telling the therapist that she can either hold his coat in her office and give it to him only when he needs it, or give it to him and tell him if he gives it away he will just be cold because I am NOT buying another one this winter!!!! Folks, I have acted really stupid with staff over some of his missing items in the past!!
I got off the phone with the therapist and immediately tell my husband this story. He just started laughing and said, “He’s pimping with his coats!! Probably telling the other guys,” ya look, she’s wearing my coat!” UGH!!! Then I just had to laugh too, cuz I know he’s right!!!
I think I will start sending some chocolate in his care packages and tell him that girls really like chocolate. He thinks he’s got game and doesn’t realize that these girls are just taking the jackets and he never gets them back!!!! Just saying……

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